Thursday, May 14, 2009

The One With my Younger Obsession

a pic i took on my drive back to melaka from kl
(dont *snap* and drive..nyeh nyeh)

wen i was young (like im not one now hehe) i was "obsessed" with clouds..i just loved how it looked. I use to have a balcony at my room in Ipoh and me and my sis would just lie down on our backs and look at the clouds..

and i was sort of influenced by this movie "Magic In the Water" (1995) starring Joshua Jackson.. well in the movie they were like making shapes with the clouds. i use to do it..not actually make the shape but more like copied their aksi and made out wat the clouds would look like...

i especially loved the bouncing on clouds scene in Peter Pan! ah i wish i could fly! *think happy thoughts* i just love clouds and the sky..i think thats why my fav color is BLUE...isk isk Subahanallah...


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