Saturday, May 16, 2009

The One with a REALLY GREAT day!

Checklist of Events:
1. scrapes and bruises
2. knee in the ehem..
3. stranded for quite some time
4. a lil minor drowning
5. lost of items by our very own HERO
6. kabush kabush by urs truly (jgn jeles ye Farah & Nyah)
7. cam whoring
8. lastly..EXTREME FUN!

enjoy some pics for the day

we have 3 Titanic's Wannabe

no offense Farah tp ko nmpk mcm sumo getting ready to FIGHT! nyeh nyeh jgn mare..lebius!

Hajar had problems in remembering the names..and Farah..OH Well..
All we could do was shake our heads...isk isk
Correction: its Hang Lekiu and not Hang Lekui (typo)..bising btol dk bilik #^%#

Zak in our minds woot woot


who can spot the big EYED fish at the back! muahaha

byk btol menda malang jd ngan minah ni..sian huhu

BUTTERFLY.....Preeeeeety! (nyah sempat bersilat dlm air)


synchronize swimming attempt (except Pijah..die tgh imagine tolak almari kot) hahaha!

and lastly our very own HERO



jart said...

hang lekiu la syg oi !~

bkn hang lekui..wah ha ha :))

layan la apa2..janji aja tertukar nama sendiri pon mboleyh..


best best !

Sha Lew Lew said...

Weyh, bukan nama hang, HANG LEKIU ker, apa kes HANG LEKUI plaks? LOL!~

aku nak kasi teka teki, cuba try test jawab.

Apa benda/object/creature yang apabila terjun ke dalam air, mula-mula bertudung lepas timbul di ayer ilang tudungnya? Ha, kalau bijaksana, jawab lew!


Que-Anne said...

Jart & Sha@}---

ye ye..bising btol..
mata dh nampak lain terbalik dh huruf2 semua...

isk isk


cik nyah oi.."susahnyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" teka tekimu..

mind blowing btol..huhu

apa least aku kabush..
very dare devil!!!

Sha Lew Lew said...

bukan bising lew..malu lew org malaysia tak kenal Hang Lekiu..haha!~

Que-Anne said...

potaeto potato....
(tone pheobe)


syafiq duckie said...

bestnya!hang lekui ke hang lekiu qila?hahaha.hang lekuk la!

Que-Anne said...


OMG this again..

my bad..its HANG LEKIU..
