Friday, April 17, 2009

The One With the Unfortunate Event.....

I wanted to go home so much....

However some unfortunate events happened...yeah...
So no going home for me at the moment........................................................................
My nyah said to blog it..maybe its like some sort of therapy i guess...kinda...anywhooooooooo

Here it goes,

First of all..OMG...last night while i was cleaning out the fridge i accidentally made a teeny tiny hole...I'm like WTF!!! Kak ecah was there and u could ask her..the whole time i kept saying S@*$! Even the kitty cats were looking at me like "Say WHAT...."...I made a teeny hole and gas leaked...i mean like i panicked so i closed it with my finger and kak ecah was like "Qilah!!!! Bahaya la!!" so she gave me a kain to close im like wat do i do now! so she helped me out but first taping it then taking it off then used UHU then taped it back again...Like that'll help...

How was i suppose to know tht the bumpy thing in ur freezer is actually wiring for gas or something like tht...i was hoping it would like stand for 2 months so like after we get out of the house CABUT!!! hehe. But UNFORTUNATELY......the next morning the fridge wasnt cold...isk isk..So i went to the repair shop and they had a look and said they had to take it in to inspect it...isk isk..Do watever...ill pay..its my Drummet fault....isk isk...

Second of all...i had class today at 530 and apparantly i forgot about it...yeah tht was basically it...maybe it was coz my head was toooooooo messed up i totally forgot about it.....

Thirdly...not actually an event but basically its how my head feels at the moment...It feels such a mess! I mean i have deadlines left and right! I have my week i have a training simulated presentation which im totally not ready coz the way HR students present and way of discussing is all new to imagine my panic attack...totally feeling not prepared! and I have my FYP and data analysis and all tht...And i like have my marketing plan still not finished....and i have my case still not read..and my other individual assignment for training...GOD!!! the list goes on!!!!!!!

Also my car is like overdue for service and my dad told me to get the car checked coz he hears the engine sounding funny..even Barri hears totally dumb at long as the car can move has a radio and aircond its fine by me...

God! i feel so "messy" right now!!!! So imagine if i went back....All my work would be on no no! But i really need a break! *sigh*

so ladies and gentlemen...a careful wen cleaning out ur fridge..those bumpy looking surface tht looks like a pipe i guess is actually ur gasline i guess....i think pas ni ill try MONK's method of cleaning out a fridge..with a hair dryer...can??? Ill google it later..

1 comment:

jart said... n steady !~
buat 1-1..dont pressure-pressure ;)